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Futujara (5 in 1) - painted in BLACK opaque (new!)

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For those musicians who wants the fujara to look more beautiful we offer the futujara professionally painted in black opaque,

The Futujara is our top model which was made in collaboration with
Max Brumberg.
It has unique possibility to connect 4 different tubes in 4 keys: C,D, A and G, and if you disconnect all playing tubes you get overtone flute in A. But futujara is not only multi-key set of fujara, it also gives you amazing possibility to play in totally different way! The hose attached to futujara makes it really maneuverable and you can use technique which is used in playing on kalyuka, russian overtone flute (see the video for details).


1. Five instruments in one: four fujaras (C,D,A,G) and one overtone flute in A!
2. Extremely maneaurable. The hose gives you possibility to use kalyuka technique
3. Very well tuned in western concert temperated tuning
4. Collapsible (no hassle during transportation)
5. Extremely light
6. Professional quality of sound
7. The holes are close together so you can use different fingering and apply the techniques from other flutes (see video for details)
8. Very easy to play, everybody can start playing right away!
9. Highly durable, made from PVC
10. Cheapest fujara ever!
11. UNIQUE: not present on a market anywhere else!

NOTE: you should disconnect the hose from time to time and get the water out!

Fujaras with custom design is also available.

175 EUR (futujara + design)




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